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About Us

The garage was taken over on June 2013. CarDoc Scheider GmbH consists of 4 skilled auto mechanics and two apprentices. Our young, dynamic team provides variety and brings your car in shape.

Whether you have minor or major concerns, at cardoc in Interlaken you will find exactly the services and the service that you and your motor vehicle need.

We attach particular importance to your needs and therefore always focus on your wishes and requirements. We are your contact around the car.

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Second-hand car
Car repair
Car service
Tyre change
Stone chip / windscreen
Oil change
Car bodywork / tinsmithery
Vehicle paintwork
Winter check / Holiday check


Re­place­ment car
Road­side as­sist­ance



Location and contact

Show directions

CarDoc Schneider

  • office address office address

    Waldeggstrasse 34A 3800 Interlaken

  • Christoph Schneider

  • Phone Phone
    0338... Show number 033 821 63 00
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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CarDoc Schneider

Mon - Thur
07:30 - 12:00 opening hours
13:30 - 17:45 opening hours
07:30 - 12:00 opening hours
13:30 - 17:15 opening hours
Sat - Sun
Phone visit site
Phone visit site